General Admission Policy:

1. Student applicants who are interested to study at Regis Marie College are required to undergo the admission screening provides which provides the Admission Committee with data to determine acceptability of the students.

2. The Admission Committee evaluate student applicants on the basis of the following;

            2.1 Grades. No final grade lower than     75% in any subjects.

            2.2 Must present a good moral character from the previous    school or a    recommendation from either class adviser,   guidance counselor or any             person of authority of the school             where the student last attended.

            2.3 Performance at interview, if interviewed.

3. Student applicants from schools overseas, under a Home Schooling Program, completers of a previous academic years, passers of Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) and Alternative Learning System (ALS) or Non-Formal Accreditation and Equivalency (NFE A&E) must inform the admission office for additional instructions and requirements for the process.



The RMC Admission Office reserves the right to decline applications that have not met the guidelines set by the Admission Committee. Incomplete documents will not be endorsed for further evaluation.





Student applicants may be required to submit other documents not mentioned above on case to case basis upon evaluation of application.

The name manifested in the PSA Birth Certificate should also be the name to manifest in all other documents.

All documents shall not be returned and shall become the property of Regis Marie.

If the student applicant is qualified, TRANSFER OF CREDENTIAL OR HONORABLE DISMISSAL OR CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY TO TRANSFER is required for enrollment.


Freshmen : 

1. Student applicants who are currently enrolled in Grade 12 or those who are expected to complete the grade 12 at the end of the end of the academic year are eligible to apply.

2. Passers of Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) and Alternative Learning System (ALS) or Non-Formal Accreditation and Equivalency (NFE A&E) Program following DepEd regulations and therefore certified eligible for admission to college/tertiary level.​

3. Student applicants must have a good grade and deportment.


Transferee : ​​

  • A transferring student can only be admitted to Regis Marie College if after the evaluation, the student applicant is:

  • 1. Student is not an incoming 4th year or upon an admission will have a minimum of residency at Regis Marie College of at least (2) two semesters.

  • 2. Has not been involved in any disciplinary case 

  • 3. Student applicants must have a good grade and deportment.