Our Mission

Regis Marie College gives students with high-quality educational opportunities and support services that lead to degrees, transfers, certifications, and basic skills mastery. In a safe, accessible, and inexpensive learning environment, the institution promotes academic and career success by encouraging critical thinking, effective communication, creativity, and cultural understanding. We embrace equality and accountability in serving the needs of our demographically student community through measurable learning outcomes, ethical data-driven decisions, and student performance.

Our Vision

Regis Marie College is committed to providing great educational experiences that are responsive to our students needs and that enable them to meet and exceed challenges as active participants in influencing the future.

Why Choose Our College?

Provide a solid foundation through a sound academics offering that will produce graduates who are proficient  and skillful in their chosen field and who are ready to share their expertise toward the country’s dream of being a developed nation.

Goal-Oriented Education

Our institution is dedicated to helping students achieve their academic and professional goals. With a clear focus on personalized guidance, practical experience, and cutting-edge teaching methods, we ensure our students are well-prepared to succeed in their chosen fields. Join us for a goal-oriented education that sets you on the path to success.

Skilled and Experienced Instructors

Our institution stands out due to our team of highly skilled and experienced instructors who bring both extensive knowledge and practical experience to the classroom. They are committed to student success, providing personalized guidance, and using innovative teaching methods to ensure students receive a dynamic, engaging education.

Holistic Learning Environment

Our institution offers a holistic learning environment, which is one of the key reasons to choose us. We believe in educating the whole person, focusing not only on academic excellence but also on personal growth, emotional well-being, and social responsibility. Our comprehensive approach includes a blend of rigorous academics, extracurricular activities, wellness programs, and community engagement opportunities.


Students can participate in real-time discussions during class time and can communicate regularly with their instructors


Students can complete  each work on their schedule,Students can receive immediate feedback on their quizzes,Schedule group work when it’s most convenient for everyone